Flame Leviathan

Flame Leviathan hardmode



Dodge Fire, Lightning Strikes and Freeze (Blue beams)

Siege Engines:

- Interrupt Flame lev cast (select a vocal main interrupter)
- Stay Near the corners,
- Drive away if Focused,
- Ram Plants

Siege Cannons:

- Shoot down Pyrite,
- Kill Plants with Cannon (2 Key) or hit Flame lev
- Shield for Fire or Beams


- LOB your passenger ONTO flame lev when ready;
- Stack Pyrite to 10 ASAP - Maintain Pyrite at 10 by Hurling Pyrite before it runs out (2 Key),
- Boulder on Adds or Oil patches + Flame lev

Demo Cannons:

-  First set of passengers GET LOBBED INSTANTLY at the boss, second set of passengers get in cannon ASAP after.
- Grab Pyrite at around 10-25 energy (3key), Boulder on plants, antiair on pyrite
- Only load yourself into the cannon if we CALL it -> prevents Pyrite ability

- Pick up your assigned passengers instantly after shutdown and bring them to their demos,
- Drop Oil patches on the GREEN BEAMS,
- Use Horn on Plants

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